
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Turkey Sloppy Joes

Do you have a recipe in your repertoire that is so super easy, and has some funny ingredients in it that it’s almost embarrassing to share??  Well, this one is mine.
Growing up, Sloppy Joes was not my favorite meal…I mean even the name at the time sounded blech…but it was a constant in my parent’s dinner rotation because I’m sure it was easy and obviously pretty inexpensive.  Brown some meat, pop open a can of Manwich, slap it on a bun and voila! 
But there was just something not very tasty in the sauce that I just never loved; I have no idea what it was but I could really never enjoy it.  Then one day things changed for the Sloppy Joe and me.  Hubby and I were at his Aunt’s house and she is this AMAZING, country cook – I’m talking down-home, real ingredients, honest-to-goodness-bad-for-your-waistline kind of good.  EVERYTHING she makes is delicious.  In the family, when we talk about Aunt Judy’s cooking, we all kind of close our eyes and just moan out our favorite meals, followed by “Mmmmmmmmm…”  So my S.J.-changing moment came when she asked if we’d like Sloppy Joes for dinner.  Even though it’s not one of my favorites, I was not about to be rude, nor turn down dinner!  We were visiting in the kitchen and I love to watch people cook so I watched Aunt Judy brown up some hamburger…then I watched her add a little brown sugar…then I watched her pull out some ketchup…and throw that in there, too.  And, then…um…dinner was served.
Now, my Mama taught me NEVER to be rude so no matter what, I was going to eat that Sloppy Joe.  So, I took that first bite and then I took another…and another…and I’m pretty sure, I said the proverbial “mmmmmmmmm…” Seriously, I was literally shocked at how good this little thing was!!  That my friends, is how the Sloppy Joe & I became buds.
Here’s my version of the recipe; I wanted to try to make it a little healthier for us and I added a few extra ingredients, but don’t worry, it’s still very much the same tasty little treat that I first enjoyed at Aunt Judy’s.
·         1 package 99% lean ground turkey; approximately 1 ½ lbs
·         3T low sodium Worcestershire sauce
·         2 tsp garlic powder
·         2 tsp dried minced onion
·         2 T light brown sugar
·         ½ cup + 2 T ketchup

In a large skillet over med/high heat, brown the ground turkey.  While the turkey is browning, add the Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder and minced onion.  Cook until the turkey is no longer pink and beginning to brown.

Add the brown sugar and mix through.

Add the ketchup and stir, heating through.

And yah, that's it, friends!

on your favorite buns alongside some steamed veggies and/or baked potato wedges!

I TOLD you it was so SUPER easy that it’s embarrassing!
Serves approximately 6
Calories 167 / Carbs 15g / Fat 1g / Protein 23g / Fiber 0g / Sodium 380mg


  1. If you want something really good put this on a baked potato with a dab of sour cream.

    1. Oooh, that sounds delicious, I might have to try that next time!! Thanks for stopping by!!


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